All STEADFAST consultants have earned a doctorate (Ph.D.) in the field of psychology from APA accredited universities around the country and are actively serving their communities as licensed psychologists. This means you can rest assured that your consultant will bring the highest level of training, expertise, and data driven guidance to work for your agency. As psychologists, all of our consultants are highly qualified to provide educational workshops, seminars, and consultations related to foundational topics of how normative and pathological human behavior impact your organization. Here's a brief list of some common topics our consultants share expertise in.​​
In addition to the standard degree of expertise in human behavior and mental illness, each of our consultants possesses specialized skills and expertise you may find of value to the staff, clientele, or community your agency serves. Click on the pictures above for detailed information about our consultants' backgrounds, skill-sets, and specialized services. If you have any questions or you're ready to schedule your consultation, be sure to call or email today!
Anxiety, depression, and other mood disturbances
Promoting healthy interpersonal relationships
Communication and other interpersonal skills
Promoting mental health in the workplace
Motivation, productivity, and workplace productivity
Learning theory and optimizing outcomes