Forensic Assessment & Evaluation
As a forensic psychologist, Dr. Gavel is prepared to assist the courts and other agencies with questions about the impact of psychological matters such as mental illness and diagnoses, personality characteristics, intellectual function or deficits, addiction, and other factors of normative and abnormal human behavior. Dr. Gavel is a certified forensic evaluator through the Mississippi State Hospital system and experienced in answering questions related to the criminal justice system including competency to stand trial, mental state at the time of an alleged offense (McNaghten analysis), violence risk, intellectual function (Atkins assessment), factors influencing sentencing/parole, and others.
Competency to Stand Trial, McNaghten (NGRI) analysis, Violence Risk, Parole/Sentencing, Atkins
Professional Consultation
From policies and procedures to professional burnout and maximizing efficiency of the human capitol element of a professional workforce, psychologists are specially trained to identify and understand the unique complexities of human behavior. Whether you represent a fortune 500, the judicial system, law enforcement, public office, or anywhere in between, your daily work is impacted by the nature of human behavior and/or mental illness. Failing to account for this basic truth leaves room for unnecessary cost and liability. Employee wellness programs, integrative health care, promoting teamwork, athlete performance, and identifying signs of professional burnout are a few ways in which your agency may benefit from psychological consult.
Attorneys, Law enforcement, Legal counsel, Policy makers, Hospitals, First responders, Corrections, Military
Criminal Justice Procedures
Among the most common needs the court will have of a psychologist are competency and NGRI evaluations. Beyond these specialized evaluations, psychology offers unique insight into the selection and dismissal of potential jurors, ideal methods for presenting case material, risk assessment and sentencing guidelines, and formulating prosecution or defense arguments in ways that account for the mental health component. Through consultations both in and out of the courtroom, Dr. Gavel can provide information and perspective to elements of the court.
Courtroom consultation, Jury selection, Case formulation
Educational Workshops
As the study of human behavior, psychology is a science responsible for studying learning, emotional function, memory and attention, interpersonal relationships, and the entire spectrum of abnormal psychological phenomenon. Many agencies benefit when their workforce is educated on factors influencing their performance and the populations they serve. How to manage a mentally ill suspect, risks associated with high stress work environments, and how to maximize positive outcomes in a healthy workforce are just a few of the possibilities for workshops of benefit to your agency.
Psychology & criminal behavior, Mental illness & the law, Learning, Trauma informed care, Violence risk
Crisis & Hostage Negotiation
In addition to countless hours of specialized training on the best methods of deescalating acute risk associated with suicidal or homicidal gestures and other psychiatric crisis, Dr. Gavel is certified in crisis and hostage negotiation after certified training with federal and state law enforcement at the Midwest Counterdrug Training Center. If your crisis negotiation team is in need of training for dealing with mental illness and the volatility of human behavior or would like to add a clinical psychologist as a fixture to the team, Dr. Gavel is available to serve local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies with their crisis negotiation team needs.
Barricaded subjects, Active Suicidal Risk, Behavioral Profiles, Accounting for Mental Illness on CIT